This Program Has Already Paid Out Over 1 Million To It's Members So Far…

How Would You Like To Plug Right Into A Proven 7-Figure Funnel And Get Paid On EVERY Product In The Sequence?

Watch The Video Below To See How You Can Partner With Me And Let Me Do ALL The Selling, Fulfillment, Follow-Up And Customer Support FOR YOU!

Hey, John Thornhill here.

Let me ask you a question…

Have you tried countless ways to make money online like affiliate marketing, e-commerce, blogging, list building, and more…

… but no matter how hard you try, nothing really WORKS?

Are you sick and tired of over-hyped “shiny objects” that fail to deliver on their promises...

… leaving you wondering if any of these internet “gurus” actually use the methods they teach, or if they’re just getting rich selling you courses?

Well, it’s time to STOP playing that losing game!

Now's your chance to finally start seeing REAL results.

And in the next few moments I’m going to share EXACTLY how…

I’m offering a select few an exclusive opportunity to partner with a seasoned entrepreneur…

And clone a proven 7-figure funnel that has already helped countless folks like you finally create a REAL business online…

A business that gives them the freedom to do WHAT they want, WHEN they want to do it.


The Ambassador Program!

The Ambassador Program is a fully done-for-you system that’s specifically designed to fast-track you from where you are now to where you want to be, in record time!

However, there's one small caveat…

This opportunity isn't open to just anyone.

We’re VERY selective about who we accept.

And we reserve the right to turn away anyone who isn’t a good fit.

As a seasoned 20+ year marketing veteran, I consider TIME my most invaluable asset…

Which is why I absolutely CANNOT afford to squander it!

So in order to even be considered for this program, you’ll need to complete a rigorous application.

Yet, if you’re lucky to emerge as one of the chosen few and secure your spot…

This moment WILL mark a monumental turning point in your life.

Because you'll look back on today as the day when EVERYTHING changed for you!

Remember, the Ambassador Program is a 100% done-for-you business model.

This means we do ALL the hard work for you, allowing you to focus on reaping the rewards of your (aka OUR) efforts.

That’s why… as long as you actually use it… it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to fail!

But don't just take my word for it...

Check Out What Some Of Our Existing Ambassadors Are Saying

Are you ready to join the ranks of these successful entrepreneurs?

Are you ready to own your business, control your own destiny, and transform your life?

If so, then don’t wait – apply today!

Join The Ambassador Program Today & Save $1,750

One Single Payment Of $497 Today

Plus an Additional 50% Discount
List Price $1,997 - You're Saving $1,750

Your order is 100% safe & secure

The Fast-Track To Success Your Boss Hopes You NEVER Discover!

(Caution: Some Readers May Find This Information Offensive)

I'm about to reveal something so daring, so controversial, so utterly bold…

That it's probably going to ruffle some feathers!

Indeed, this might cost me a few followers…

But the truth needs to be heard.


Here's the reality:

Making Money Online Is NOT Complicated!

Yep, you read that right.

And I stand by it 100%.

And no, this isn’t about grinding away for hours on end... 

I manage this business in just a couple of hours each week and still make millions... 

It’s not about the latest fads, hacks, or so-called “secret loopholes” either... 

(Let’s not even touch on the overhyped AI stuff most internet gurus are peddling these days!)

The REAL secret to success, as agreed upon by many of the world’s most successful business leaders, is shockingly simple…

And it’s certainly NOT about chasing every new trick in the book!

But don’t just take it from me…

(Though I did earn a hefty $5 million using this strategy.)

Instead, consider the wisdom of the billionaire I borrowed it from… none other than business tycoon Richard Branson.

Here’s his take on this shortcut to success:

“Never simply exchange your time for money. That is a poor exchange. Invest in systems, build teams, and create businesses that run without you.”

Richard Branson

Founder, Virgin Group

Having amassed a $2.9 billion dollar fortune, it’s fair to say Branson knows a thing or two about building systems that generate wealth independently.

But what does this mean for YOU?

Well, let me break it down…

And demonstrate how Branson's blueprint can secure your financial future!

But before we go any further, I have a question for you...

Do you recall your very first job?

Chances are, it wasn't exactly a dream position…

Yet, there was an undeniable spark within you… a vision of boundless potential.

You were certain you could work your way to the top and eventually steer the entire enterprise, right?

You felt leagues ahead of the clueless figures in charge…

But reality had different plans.

Now, years later…

The only thing you find yourself managing…

Is a dwindling bank account and an empty well of motivation.

It's downright unfair.

(That’s life for you.)

But do you ever catch yourself wondering…

Where exactly did it all go wrong?

You were full of drive…

You were full of potential…

Yet, it remained untapped.

No one was willing to take a chance on you…

No one gave you the opportunity to demonstrate the profound impact you were capable of making.

Ever wondered why fortune seems to favor only a select few?

They seem to have it all… the dream home, the perfect family life, the freedom to travel.

Meanwhile, you're struggling to stay afloat, wondering when your time will come.

And TIME seems to be your biggest enemy of all.

Feels like you’re fighting a losing battle, doesn't it?

You’ve got:

The ambition
The motivation
The work ethic
The WHOLE package!

Everything required for success…

But that “big break” always seems just out of reach.

And it’s painful to keep putting in all that time and effort without even ONE single sale to show for all your blood, sweat and tears.

Sometimes it’s enough to keep you awake at night, questioning where it all went wrong.

(Here’s a little secret: It's NOT your fault. I’m about to reveal the actual issue… AND the solution!)

But here’s the thing…

Success doesn’t happen by accident.

Success is the result of being in the right place at the right time.

It’s not about luck…

It’s about being aware of where the opportunities are and positioning yourself to take advantage of them.

Now, brace yourself…

Because it's time for a splash of reality.

You're NEVER going to hit the heights of success by sticking to your 9-to-5 job.

Let's call on Branson’s insight again:

“The key to life is creating a life that is more about living than about working.”

Richard Branson

Founder, Virgin Group

Simply put, if you’re stuck trading time for money…

Your hard work will NEVER be enough…

You’ll stay trapped as long as you cling to the “security” of that job.

Sure, hard work pays off…

But it’s not the sole ingredient… there’s something even more vital.

And that key element is…

The SINGLE Factor Standing Between You And Your True Potential!

The reason Richard Branson is so successful is NOT just because he’s smart…

In fact, according to Branson himself…

The catalyst for his phenomenal success was his early association with a certain avant-garde entrepreneur named Sir Freddie Laker.

Laker wasn’t just any mentor…

He was a visionary with global connections and a knack for disrupting the status quo.

Seeing how Laker had already revolutionized air travel with his low-fare, no-frills approach…

A young Branson, before Virgin became a household name, eagerly sought his guidance…

(Sure, he could have just read books about business strategies… and he did!)

But he wanted something from Laker that transcended the written word…

And it turned out to be... 

The CRUCIAL Key To His $2.9 Billion Dollar Success!

So, you’re probably wondering…


What did Branson seek…

What did he gain…

And how can YOU use it for yourself!?

Well, before we go any further, let me clarify what it’s NOT about…

It's NOT about how hard you work…

It’s NOT about your knowledge or expertise…

And it goes WAY beyond just having a “mentor”…

You might’ve already guessed it, but if not…

The critical missing piece is…


Richard Branson was already an exceptionally smart entrepreneur…

But he leveraged Laker’s groundbreaking approach to jump-start his success, placing himself at the finish line from the get-go.

That’s why being in the right environment is CRITICAL…

You can tap into something that’s ALREADY working…

Fast-forwarding your journey by years, maybe even decades…

And making success almost a CERTAINTY.

But the harsh reality is, most people don’t encounter such opportunities early in their careers…

Ending up in jobs they despise... working for bosses who don’t value them.

Chances are, that’s where you find yourself right now.

Sadly, I know this all too well... 

I was overlooked in my job for years, forced to feel practically invisible at times... 

Yet, inside me was a potential that was worth millions… potential that went unrecognized.

Had someone bet on me, like Branson with Laker, I would’ve soared!

But they didn’t.

So I had to carve my own path.

And now, $5 million dollars (and counting) later, I’ve been contemplating…

What kind of legacy do I want to create?

I thought of all those who could have transformed my miserable existence back then…

… if ONLY they had given me a shot!

And that's precisely why I've decided to offer a handful of lucky individuals…

The chance I NEVER had in the past.

I'm essentially presenting a select few with a “plug and play” business and…

Your Success Is All But GUARANTEED!

You see, all I needed back then was to forge the right connection…

And everything would have seamlessly “clicked” into place…

But SPEED was what I lacked.

I simply required someone to believe in me enough to hand over the keys to a thriving, established business…

And I would have made them rich beyond their wildest dreams!

(Not to mention myself, as well!)

Unfortunately, that opportunity never came.

That’s why I had to build my digital empire from the ground up… brick by brick!

But here’s the GREAT news…

If you’re accepted as an Ambassador, you won’t have to go through ANY of that agonizing self-torture.

Instead, I’m giving you the rights to…

Steal My 7-Figure Funnel And
Use It To Start Making Money

Imagine a 20-year online marketing veteran walking in and giving you a completely done-for-you funnel that is GUARANTEED to convert.

He walks up to you, shakes your hand, and says, “Hi, I’m one of the most experienced and highest paid marketing experts in the world.”

“My students pay me millions for my help and guidance with marketing and we help them generate tens of millions in revenue!”

“If you let me, I’d like to give you a rapid deployment, end-to-end marketing funnel built entirely by me and my team.”

You pinch yourself and realize you’re NOT dreaming…

This team of experts is here right now, ready and waiting to help your business grow faster and convert better than it EVER has…

With a fraction of the time, cost and effort required in traditional online business models.

So what’s your answer:

Will you say, “No thanks, I’d rather continue struggling to figure out this online marketing thing?”

Or will you accept this amazingly generous invitation, and by doing so light the fuse that will ignite your business and profits?

With The Ambassador Program, you gain access to a 100% done-for-you system that is so risk-free and so foolproof that…

I Flat Out PROMISE You’ll Profit!

How can I make such a bold promise?

Because I’m handing you the keys to MY tried, tested and proven funnel for you to freely steal with my permission!

Which means, if you secure one of the limited spots…

You won’t EVER have to dread the daily commute to and from a 9-5 job you hate…

You won’t EVER have to answer to your annoying boss…

You won’t EVER have to lay awake at night, agonizing over how to pay the bills…

For the first time in your life, YOU will dictate your fate!

You will be answerable to NO ONE.

This is YOUR business…

And you have the power to make it as successful as you want it to be.

So if you’re fed up with slaving away for someone else, feeling trapped in a dead-end job…

And if you’re ready to take control of your financial future and create a business that allows you to live life on YOUR terms…

But the thought of starting your own business from scratch seems too daunting…

This Is PERFECT For You!

Our fully done-for-you system gives you EVERYTHING you need to run your own profitable online business, minus the guesswork and hassles.

And if you’ve experienced the disappointment of starting a business from scratch in the past…

Only to watch it struggle to get off the ground and then ultimately fail…

You’ll recognize how VALUABLE this system truly is!

If you’re accepted as one of my Ambassadors…

You’ll be tapping into the same tried-and-tested system that has already helped countless entrepreneurs attain time and financial freedom.

(In fact, in just the past few months alone, we’ve paid out over $631,894 to our Ambassadors!)

Picture running your own business that makes you passive income daily, WITHOUT all the usual hassles of:

Creating your own products
Writing sales copy
Setting up email autoresponders
Building complicated funnels
Or providing customer support

With The Ambassador Program, you get EVERYTHING you could ever possibly want or need to ensure your success... all in one comprehensive package.

This is the EXACT same business-in-a-box I’ve already handed to my own son, Alex…

I’ve poured my entire 20 years and $5 million dollar’s worth of expertise into it…

I’ve commissioned my in-house team to set the entire thing up FOR you…

Which means the ONLY thing left for you to do is…

Say “Yes” To Your Inevitable Success!

So, if you're ready to seize control of your financial future…

Then The Ambassador Program is the done-for-you system you've been searching for.

Apply now for the chance to create the business and life you've always dreamt of!

Join The Ambassador Program Today & Save $1,750

One Single Payment Of $497 Today

Plus an Additional 50% Discount
List Price $1,997 - You're Saving $1,750

Your order is 100% safe & secure

Here's What You'll Get If You're Accepted As My Ambassador

Done-For-You Webinar Funnel ($25,000 Value)

Clone our proven 7-figure webinar and get paid up to $3,493 on every high-ticket sale without any selling or persuasion required from you. Impossible to fail.

Done-For-You Subscription Offers ($20,000 Value)

Earn recurring income from 10 of our monthly subscription programs. You can get paid $99/month for just one conversion. Best part? We’ll KEEP paying you every single month for as long as those customers remain active.

Done-For-You Front End Offers ($12,000 Value)

Get an entire library of 12 low-ticket products that have collectively done $1.2 million in sales to sell as your and keep 100% of the profits for yourself.

Profit From Our Proven Funnel Video Walkthrough ($495 Value)

A video training series taking you through the simple steps you need to follow to plug this system into your business and start profiting ASAP!

Act Now And You'll Also Get These 7 Exclusive Fast-Action Bonuses

99 Days Of Done-For-You Email Promotions ($9,900 Value)


High-converting, automated follow-up emails that maximize your profits and do ALL the selling for you. Simply plug and play. No work required.

Done-For-You Traffic Kickstart ($3,000 Value)


Sit back as we send you hands-off traffic and sales for 90 days, so you get paid without doing anything. Gives you instant results without buying traffic or building a list.

Done-For-You Lead Magnet ($10,000 Value)


Use this to generate new subscribers, grow your email list, and gain instant trust and credibility with new subscribers. Includes a 9-part email follow-up series that turns those subscribers into buyers FOR YOU… 100% automatically.

Done-For-You Affiliate Program ($5,000 Value)


Your very own JV page that recruits affiliates for you. This gives you masses of additional sales for literally zero effort. You can make $1,750+ on every high-ticket sale. One affiliate can easily be worth 6 figures for you!

Monthly Guest Post On John's Blog ($1,200 Value)


Publish a guest post on my blog every month for an entire year. Every post will contain your affiliate link for one of my programs. I will also promote each of your posts to my mailing list of 100,000+ subscribers so you make easy, fast sales.

John's Traffic Trifecta Course ($997 Value)


This rapid roadmap to 1,000 visitors in 30 days gives you everything you need to get all the traffic you could ever want or need. Plus, we give you simple steps anyone can follow to scale up fast. Getting traffic will no longer be a worry for you!

Lifetime Support From Our Expert Team (PRICELESS!)


Our in-house team of experts are fully trained in this system and are ready and waiting to give you any hands-on help or guidance you need. We usually respond to most support tickets within 90 minutes.

Total Value:


Save 98.9% TODAY!

Join The Ambassador Program Today & Save $1,750

One Single Payment Of $497 Today

Plus an Additional 50% Discount
List Price $1,997 - You're Saving $1,750

Your order is 100% safe & secure

The Action-Taker Guarantee

The Ambassador Program arms you with my proven funnel that has already generated millions and gives you all of the coaching you need to make it work. I believe there is no better program to help you succeed online.

The 365-day 'action taker' guarantee means I'll do everything I can over the next 365 days to help you succeed. If you follow the steps and attempt to drive traffic as shown in the training, you WILL see results. If you don't, then simply let me know at any point in the next 365 days and I will refund every single penny.

I do this because I am looking for action-takers who want to build a REAL online business, not people who will do nothing and then ask for their money back.

So if you are the type of person who buys something, does nothing with it and then seeks a refund, The Ambassador Program is NOT for you and you should click away now.

However, if you are the type of person who is prepared to take action and is serious about building a long-term income stream, then click the order button now and let's start working together.

I wouldn’t even offer this guarantee if this didn’t work.

I don’t make a habit of giving coaching for free.

The reason I offer this guarantee is because the program works, and it works every single time because I’m very selective about who I accept.

There’s no risk, no uncertainty, and no unknowns.

You just implement the system and money comes out the other side.


What's The Investment?

Just so you have a frame of reference…

Before I stopped taking on new clients last year, my fee for 1-on-1 consulting was $10,000.

So $10,000 would be a ridiculously low fee to get a license to the EXACT funnels I personally use in my business to bring in 6 figures per year, don’t you think?

Well, that’s what I SHOULD charge considering your potentially exponential return on investment.

However, if you jump on this opportunity right away, your investment won’t even be CLOSE to $10,000.

In fact, it’s only a mere FRACTION of that.

Listen, this is a PROVEN system…

One I’ve invested 20+ years of my life and MILLIONS of dollars into figuring out.

And since it has such an extremely high value…

Because you can use it to make as much money as you desire and create the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about…

It ain’t exactly pocket change.

But hey, I’m giving you the EXACT funnel that has paid me MILLIONS of dollars… and allowed me to enjoy a lifestyle that most people can only dream about.

Heck, I could easily charge $25,000 (or more) if I packaged this up and sold it as a turnkey business on Flippa.com.

And even if you had to remortgage your home and sell all your earthly possessions just to pay the fee…

It would STILL be a screaming bargain!

Because once you set up and implement these proven funnels in your business, you could make that back multiplied 10x… in less than 12 months.

But don’t worry…

It ain’t gonna cost $25k…

(Although it should...)

And I won’t charge you my $10,000 1-on-1 consulting fee either…

Nor will you have to pay $2,000 like my coaching clients…

The fee is only $1,164.

(Paid in 12 monthly installments of $97).

I can confidently say this is the most valuable offer I have EVER offered, bar none!

However, with all that said, there’s one BIG risk I need to remind you of…

The Clock Is Ticking!

At this point, you have two choices…

Choose not to invest today and miss out on the ONE critical component that's been keeping you from success…

Or, you commit a mere fraction of what you stand to earn in just the next 90 days once you begin…

And secure you and your family's financial future!

Listen, I don't want you to struggle like I did.

That’s exactly why I created The Ambassador Program.

All it takes is the click of a button to start your journey…

And my dedicated team will be waiting on the other side, ready to get you started!

Think about it…

By this time next year, you could find yourself stuck in the same old rut…

Or, you could be among the “fortunate few” (those you once looked upon with envy)...

Those who:

Tapped into a proven opportunity
Leveraged all our expertise and credibility
And achieved MASSIVE success!

So, you can continue feeling stuck in business and life…

Or you can take action right now and finally start creating the business of your dreams.

The decision rests in your hands.

All the best,

John Thornhill

Reminder: Here's Everything You'll Get If You're Accepted... 

Done-For-You Webinar Funnel ($25,000 Value)
Done-For-You Subscription Offers ($20,000 Value)
Done-For-You Front End Offers ($12,000 Value)
Profit From My Proven Funnel Video Walkthrough ($495 Value)
BONUS #1: 99 Days Of Done-For-You Email Promotions ($9,900 Value)
BONUS #2: Done-For-You Kickstarter Traffic ($3,000 Value)
BONUS #3: Done-For-You Lead Magnet ($10,000 Value)
BONUS #4: Done-For-You Affiliate Program ($5,000 Value)
BONUS #5: Monthly Guest Post On John’s Blog ($1,200 Value)
BONUS #6: John’s Traffic Trifecta Training ($997 Value)
BONUS #7: Lifetime Support From Our Expert Team (PRICELESS!)

Total Value:


Save 98.9% TODAY!

One Single Payment Of $497 Today

Plus an Additional 50% Discount
List Price $1,997 - You're Saving $1,750

Your order is 100% safe & secure

Copyright © 2024 John Thornhill. All Rights Reserved.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. You understand and agree that there are important risk factors that should be considered by you when deciding whether to invest in this training. NO EARNINGS PROJECTIONS, PROMISES OR REPRESENTATIONS. While my trainings have created hundreds of success stories, I have no idea of your experience, and more importantly your work ethic. You must recognize and agree that I have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to you investing in this training. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what I think you could earn. Some of my students make no money, some make a little bit of money, some make a lot of money. What you earn will be down to many factors that are beyond my control.